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A step-by-step guide to a simple skincare routine: 

Writer's picture: fillirfillir

If you are new to skincare or looking for a good routine, simple is the best place to  start! Skincare can be overwhelming, especially when you see the complex routines and the excessive products that are on the market today. Believe it or not,  a simple skincare routine can be extremely effective and can save you time and  money! In the skincare world some may say ‘less is more’ and that we can attest to!  Here at Fillir we have a selection of effective, medical grade skincare, as well as  licensed aestheticians who will work with you one on one to build a personalized  skincare routine just for you - you’ll be glowing from the inside out in no time!


But first, Why Is a Skincare Routine Important? 

Everyone should have something they call a skincare routine- no matter what! Think  of it the same way that one would want to maintain a heathy diet to take care of the  inside of your body and eliminate health concerns down the road. It goes the same  for what you put on the outside of your body/face such as skincare, which then  leads to preventing skin issues in the long run! When it comes to skincare,  consistency is key. Imagine your skin as a living breathing entity that thrives off routines, just like our bodies! 

photograph of Skinbetter skin products

Being Consistent

Consistency is crucial for fighting off environmental aggressors  like pollution, free radicals, and sun damage that we are all exposed to daily which  can lead to premature aging. Consistency can help with managing acne prone skin.  Managing acne prone skin can feel like a never-ending cycle that you feel only ends  in defeat. This is usually caused by inconsistency! When dealing with a skin  condition it will take time to see results, but this is part of the healing process.  Sticking to a tailored routine will be well worth it in the long run and even prevent  future acne scarring. In addition, consistency can also help and prevent pigmentary  issues such as sunspots and hyperpigmentation from forming or getting darker. 

Whether you are feeling defeated with healing your acne, have stubborn dark spots,  or just want to glow, consistency is the place to start! 

How to Create the Right Skincare Routine For You! 

Know Your Skin Type 

Understanding your skin type is the first step to creating an effective skincare  routine, as it will help you select the correct products suitable for your specific skin  needs. There are several different skin types; Normal, combination, dry, oily,  sensitive, etc.! Skincare is not one size fits all.  

For instance, if your skin is more on the oily side, you'd want to use products that  have oil control properties, without stripping your skin too much, as this can have  the opposite effect and cause the oil producing glands to secrete more oil to  compensate for the dryness.  

On the other hand, if your skin leans on the dryer side, you would be advised to  choose products that deeply moisturize and nourish it. Another example would be  if your skin tends to be sensitive, you'd want to avoid harsh irritating ingredients and  opt for gentle products that stay away from drying alcohol and fragrance.  

Knowing your skin type is a great first step to narrowing down products that might  be right for you! This will eliminate trial and error and save you time and money. If  you are unsure of your skin type, we suggest making a consultation with a licensed  aesthetician so they can evaluate your skin and identify your true skin type! 

Determine Your Skin Concerns 

Knowing your skin type is the first step to pointing you in the right direction for  creating a skincare routine, but that doesn't mean you have to go out and buy every  single product suitable for your skin type. There are further steps to narrow those  products down! 

After identifying your skin type, it is time to determine what specific skin concerns  you want to tackle with this skincare routine you are creating. For example, if you  are dealing with oily skin on top of pesky breakouts, the suggestion would be to  integrate a product that will help reduce the overgrowth of the acne causing  bacteria on your skin and eliminate the oil build up. On the other hand, if your skin  concern is dark spots and hyperpigmentation, your skincare routine will include  products that contain brightening components, helping to fade that pigment. The  same thing goes for dry skin, normal skin, tough skin, etc. Having a concern or goal  in mind when building your routine will help this process! 

Keep It Simple! 

When you are new to the world of skincare, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the  plethora of products that are available and the endless step routines that you may  see people raving about. However, what you do not need is an excessive, ten-step  routine to maintain healthy looking complexion. In fact, less is more as we  mentioned previously. Layering too many products on your face without knowing if  they are right for your skin type can do more harm than good. You can easily achieve  your skin goals with a simple yet effective skincare regimen that caters to your skin  type and concerns. Keeping your routine simple will also be more sustainable in the  long run, by being comfortable with your routine, without it being complex and time  consuming. As you become more comfortable with your routine and understand  your skin's needs, you can gradually add more targeted treatments like serums or  masks, to address specific skin concerns. So, for beginners; keep it simple and stay  consistent, skincare is not a race, it's a journey! 

Basic Steps To a Simple Skincare Routine:  

A skincare routine in the AM is just as important as in the PM. They should look  similar, but they have a few differences. Below is a glimpse into how both routines  should look:  

AM Step By Step Routine: 

1. Cleanser 

Cleansing helps to remove dirt, oil, makeup, dead skin cells, and other  environmental pollutants from your skin's surface. When choosing a  cleanser there are usually a few options for dry, oily, or normal skin.  

2. Vitamin C 

Incorporating Vitamin C into your morning routine is suggested due to its  ability to protect the skin, deliver antioxidants, brightening factors, and help  backup effects of sunscreen.  

3. Moisturizer  

Moisturizer creates a barrier on the skin's surface, preventing moisture from  evaporating and leaving the skin dry. Like a cleanser, choosing a moisturizer  largely depends on skin type.  

4. SPF 

SPF is a non-negotiable when it comes to a morning skin routine. Sunscreen  protects your skin from harmful UV rays and prevents long lasting damage.  There is a plethora of sunscreens out there to choose from! 

PM Step By Step Routine: 

1. Double cleanse 

Cleaning twice in the evening may seem silly, but throughout the day we  encounter so much pollution, dirt, and oil build up so cleansing twice before  bed is a must! 

2. Toner/Exfoliating Pad 

A toning pad will remove any excess dirt, makeup, or build up left on the skin  that the cleanser did not get. This product may be used every night or every few nights. 

3. Retinol/ Retinoid  

Retinol is suggested as a powerful anti-aging product, but only suggested for  use in evening as UV can break down the properties making it less effective.  

4. Moisturizer 

Moisturizing in the PM is just as important as the AM. Keeping the moisture  locked in overnight is crucial for hydrating your skin. Keep in mind if your AM moisturizer has an SPF in it, to use one at night that does not, as it can clog  pores overnight.  

In conclusion, as you can see from those simple routines above, skincare  doesn't have to be a daunting process. Start small, identify your skin type, as  well as your main concerns and go from there! Once again it is suggested to  have a skincare consultation with a licensed medical aesthetician so they  can give you a couple of suggestions rather than having no idea where to  start. They will even tailor a simple yet effective skincare regimen for you  right here at FIllir! Again, it doesn't matter who you are, a skin care routine is  important for everyone!

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