RF Microneedling Pre and Post Care Instructions
Understanding the importance of pre and post care instructions is paramount for achieving optimal results. Pre-instructions set the foundation for success, while post care ensures the longevity and enhancement of your efforts.
Before treatment communicate with your healthcare provider or clinician about
the following:-
If you are pregnant, nursing, or attempting to become pregnant.
If you have an allergy or sensitivity to metals (including gold, chromium, and nickel) this treatment might not be for you. Please schedule a consultation prior to your appointment to discuss with our
medical professionals.
If you have a history of an autoimmune disorder.
If you have permanent makeup, tattoos or have had micro-blading.
If you are currently or have recently been on Accutane, anticoagulants, had Gold Therapy for arthritis or taking photosensitizing medications.
History of skin disorders, keloids, abnormal wound healing, as well as very dry and fragile skin
If you have been treated with or are taking any antibiotics.
If you have any allergies or sensitivity to any topical numbing medications.
If you have an active cold sore you may want to postpone treatment. If you are prone to developing cold sores, contact our office at (412) 744-9400 and we will discuss the option of prescription prophylactic treatment.
If you have a Cardiac devices such as AICD’s (auxiliary internal cardiac devices), Defibrillator, mechanical valves, pacemakers, or neurological stimulating device.
If you have metal implants in the treatment area, including a Paragard/Copper IUD.
If you have had filler within 30 days or have been treated with a neurotoxin within 14 days before treatment you may want to postpone treatment.
Avoid vaccines for 2 weeks before and after treatment (flu, covid, etc.)
Before treatment:
Avoid any known skin irritants such as retinoids and alpha and/or beta hydroxy acids for 3-5 days prior to treatment unless otherwise directed by your clinician.
Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (waxing, depilatories, etc.)
Avoid direct sun exposure, self-tanners, tanning beds, and always use sun protection for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment.
To minimize the potential for bruising, avoid use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs like aspirin, Motrin, Advil, ibuprofen, or any other non-Tylenol, non-acetaminophen product) for 2 weeks prior to treatment, unless the medications involved are prescribed for the treatment of an existing medical condition.
Redness or sensitivity might be present (and last up to a few days).
Use Tylenol only as needed for any soreness.
Peeling and dryness may start 3-5 days after the procedure.
Do not pick or scratch at treated skin.
Avoid strenuous exercise or sweating for 24-48 hours due to open skin.
Avoid sun tanning and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight for 2-4 weeks.
If exposed to the sun, always use broad-spectrum SPF 30+ and reapply every 2 hours.
Use gentle cleansers and moisturizers for 2 weeks. May restart regular skin care routine including exfoliants (retinol, glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid) in 10-14 days, or once skin is no longer sensitive and healing.